Thursday, May 7, 2009

The MOST important dieting secret

NOTE: I am no doctor or dietitian... so this may or may not work for you and worse can cause serious problems... so just consult you doctor or whatever... end of disclaimer...

Most of you who know me, already know that lately I have become a complete health nut. Well that is true. The reason I became a total health nut is that I figured out a very important secret for fat loss. (Note that I am saying FAT loss - NOT weight loss). OK, this is turning out to be freakishly close to the infomercials you see on afternoon TV :D, But bear with me, since I have no financial motive :P

The mantra is "Reduce NET calorie intake". Couple of points...

- Your body requires about 1900 calories per day
- You make sure you eat 1400 calories - no more no less
- That deficit of 500 calories over 7 days is EXACTLY equal to 1 POUND of Fat

Now forget all the "tips" you hear from people, and just follow the mantra... Some of the tips I heard over the years from various sources
- Dont eat before sleeping
- Eat groundnuts
- Avoid Eggs
- Cashew is good for weight loss
- You cant lose fat without exercise
- Follow Atkins Diet
- Avoid non-vegetarian and alcohol
- drink lots of water (another was avoid water, since you will get "water body" - whatever that is!)

Just assume all that is lies, lies, lies, and stick to the mantra. (Ofcourse many of them have as much truth in them as there is gold in sea water... yes there is, but does it really matter?) So choose any diet you want and stick to 1400 calories per day routine. You will lose 1 pound per week! It is the first law of thermodynamics!

This is the basic diet plan that I used for 3 months to get down from 68+ kgs to 61Kgs. I have tweaked it a lot lately, to help my strength training, but the basic principle stands.

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