Thursday, May 7, 2009

Codefest :)

Two weeks ago, I resurrected an old game that I have written six years ago with my friends. I was not sure how long it would hold my interest. But I guess I was unnecessarily worried. I have completed over two weeks of work on it and spread over 60 changesets, the total Lines of Code changed is easily over 8,000 lines. So that is good work for 2 weeks, working part-time. The entire game has been revamped, with more focus on extensibility.

Although it will look mostly like the old game, extensive code reorganization work was done on it. Loadable TTF Fonts, Loadable Maps, efficient rendering etc are some of the things that I have been working on. Booty has been working on the windows port. Once the code re-org is completed, we plan to add more experience and gameplay changing features like terrains etc.

We also plan on providing a FPS kind of perspective, in future - but that is a long way to go. By using a source code repository, tracking these major release branches is turning out to be very easy!

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