Thursday, December 31, 2009

An iPod Saga - or how I nearly went mad trying to use it

My sister recently gifted me an iPod Nano. I tried to use iTunes to load some mp3s onto it... seemed like a simple enough task given the "user-friendliness"/"coolness" (depending on if you are a fan/fanatic) of Apple. First of all, it says it needs to delete everything existing on the iPod. Hmmm, ok... WAIT! WHAT THE FUCK! why do you need to delete the existing stuff, Cant you just "add" to it? Apple's Steve Jobs makes an appearance on the iPod nano's screen and lists Apple's Official Policy - "Itz my product damn it, I can make it shit on you - if I wish to".

So, I deleted the existing songs, and wrote new mp3s onto it - using iTunes on my office laptop which had windoze I-REALLY-promise-not-to-crash-XP with Service Pack I-NOW-REALLY-REALLY-promise-not-to-crash. (Never mind it BSODs once a day on "heavy usage", But I digress) Now, I wanted to shutdown the damn iPod and there is no "off" button... hmmm, so I had to google the controls on how to shutoff the damn thing. Score one for "user-friendliness"!

All is well for one single goddamed day, when I decided to add a couple more songs. I start up iTunes and connect iPod, and iTunes crashes. ok maybe I connect ipod before starting iTunes? still crashes. maybe I reboot iPod? crashes. maybe I reboot Windoze? crashes. maybe I reboot both? crashes. maybe I update software? crashes. crashes. crashes.

OK, screw it. I would rather listen to my 12 songs already loaded for the rest of my entire life, than put up with another second of this i-Piece-of-CRAP-Tunes. So disconnect & Play. What is it? oh, when i-fucking-stupid-Tunes crashed - it corrupted the song DB and said I have to reset the device with iTunes. and guess what happens when I try to connect the iPod with iTunes?

At this point, I would have taken a comically giant mallet and bashed the evil incarnate out of existence, if it were not a gift. So, I thought therez got to be a way out from the dark side, and sure enough I found out about GTKPOD for Linux (and win-fucking-doze), which kicks iTunes's ass anyday and we lived happily ever after. The battle against the evil machinations of iTunes was over.

But i-will-be-back-Tunes wont give up so soon. I might see it striking back with the i-am-so-DAMN-cool-that-you-bow-to-me-right-fucking-now-Phone. I am counting on Google Phone to kick its ass then :)


vkrishna said...

Score one for "user-friendliness"!
:)) awesomeness..

aizaz said...

oh dear...that's some real fcuk!!

Python said...

whoa!!! thats a real RED_FLAG_RINGING_ALARM_FLASHING_LIGHTS for ppl planning to buy an iPod :) i am far better of with my Nokia N70 music version I believe :) ofcourse there is GTKPOD :)