Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Man from Earth

One of the best films I ever saw... I came across this while looking through a list of Sci-Fi movies, and the concept behind the movie - a man who is 14,000 years old - struck me as interesting. It was an independent 2007 film with a little known cast, and a director whom I never heard about - so I was not having much expectations. How wrong I was!

I started downloading the movie, and read some reviews. Some were positive and others were negative indicating that the entire movie was shot in a single log cabin. I started watching the movie, and it was more like reading a novel. So full of depth. The direction and screenplay was awesome.

The best part was that, you feel like you are a part of the conversations that are going on. You do not feel that you are watching a movie, you get sucked into the world. Five Stars!

1 comment:

Ben Abba said...

I just found your post and found it quite interesting. I saw the movie "The Man From Earth" and it gave me goosebumps. The reason was it had many similarities to the real story I have been researching for many years.

If you are serious about this subject of immortality, then you will be quite interested in my research and findings on this very topic.

I have summarized what I have found on my main blog:

Check out the post "Summary of the Facts” when you get a chance and then my follow up book “Secrets of an Immortal - An Eyewitness Account of 2,800 Years of History”.