Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Same Subnet Interfaces in Linux issue

I always thought that the Linux Networking stack was a fully functional component which is never lacking in features, when compared to other OSs. However a few days ago, I came across a missing piece of functionality - interfaces on the same subnet issue.

You see when you configure 2 interfaces on the same subnet, and try to talk to other machines in the subnet, something unexpected happens. The packets can come in on both interfaces, but can leave only on one of them! This is because of the inherent design of the Linux Forwarding Base, which routes solely based on the destination address, ignoring the source.

Ofcourse its not a deadend in any way. You can still configure a bonding between the 2 interfaces and then assign the 2 ips to the bond virtual interface. But that would be too much trouble, and not exactly a solution for someone seeking resource compartmentalization. Solaris provides a concept called interface grouping for this issue.

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